Friday, May 28, 2010

Look what we got today!!

Membership in the Sparky's fan club!! Love that place and the people that live near by! Thanks Bill!

Enjoy Happy Hour cats!!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I have to share my running story of the week. Saturday was the 5/3 Riverbank Run and I had a great run!!!

I worried all week about the weather - the forcast was 39 degrees at the start, with wind and rain all day long! As I was laying in bed I was listening to the wind and rain and thought this was going to be a rough day. As it turned out, the rain stopped about 6 am, the wind was still blowing, but at least I wouldn't be wet and cold! As it turned out, we didn't feel to much wind as we ran out of town, and when we ran back, we had the wind at our backs...No problem at all!

My goal for 25k (15.5 miles) was under 2 hours. I went out with the 2 hour pace group, and when I got to the first mile they were at 8 minute miles. (I have small GPS watch that gives me my mileage and pace) I knew I needed to be faster than 8 - I needed 7:45's to be at the 2 hour mark. So I picked it up a bit, ran a 7:40 7:35 and even a 7:30 mile. I was feeling pretty good and I knew as long at the pace group was behind me, I should be OK.

I had an "ah ha" moment this race...the day before the race, the race director send out an email with some running tips. One was "don't worry about how far you have to go, just think about completing the mile you are on". I knew I have heard that before, but it really stuck with me...I had to run hard to keep this pace, but at mile 5 I was thinking "just hold this pace to 6" at 8 - hold to 9 and so on...I just kept telling myself to just hold on to the pace for one more really worked!! I was staying at my pace!

At the half way point there was a race clock and it showed I was exactly at one hour - So I knew I couldn't let up and maybe even had to step up the pace a bit. I didn't panic, but did try to bump up the pace a tiny bit. I continued the mile by mile thing...My overall pace on the GPS was holding at 7:40 so I figured I was on track. I kept thinking don't let up, keep this pace one more mile, etc. With .5 mile to go (mile 15), the race clocks were at 1:56. I knew if I could manage faster then an 8 minute mile (the last half mile would then be 4 minutes,) I'd be at 2:00 and I should be good. Half more mile - I could do it...I felt strong as I saw the finish and even kicked in a bit for the last 100 yds or so. My time when I crossed the finish was 1:59:55!! I made it - just barely, but I made it! This is not my fastest time for this run - I ran it in 1:56 11 years ago...

Later on in the day I looked up my official time and it was 1:57:28 - but I think there was a screw-up with the timing system. I won't tell anyone (OK - I told a few people) but I certainly won't attempt to change it.

I really learned a lot doing the mile at a time thing, I Guess it's a good lesson to apply to lot's of things...Grandma's Marathon is in less then 6 weeks and this was a big confidence boost! If I can keep to 8 minute miles there, I will qualify for Boston. No easy task, but maybe Mile by Mile I will get it done.

Thanks for reading cats!

Monday, April 12, 2010

what turkey?

Sue´s Views

Here is a picture of the Eater turkey we smoked/ It was a beautiful one,,,and it tasted scrumptious-especially served on Mom´s dogwoodwood china. We just had Bruse over for Easter. I bought an Easter Lilly for the alter in church, in honor of Mom and Dad, and Ron´s Mom and Dad.

Sue´s Views

Monday, March 8, 2010

Sue's Views

Here's an "upside down bird", as Dad used to called them, upside down on my suet feeder that I purposely hung upside down. I read an article that said that if you hang your suet cake and leave the plastic backing on it, the nuthatches will still get to it, as well as the woodpeckers. The idea is to keep the squirrels out. They were madder than a knit! (although the squirrels managed to bang the homemade suet to the ground, laughing at me as I peered through the window)

Monday, February 22, 2010

Sue´s Views

error! error! error! Sue was wrong on the year, contest is still open. Newsflash!!!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Sue's Views

I came across this photo of the 4 sibs, while thumbing through the photo album in search of Father as the Senior Olympic champion. Though I didn't fair well there, I thought this was a pretty cool picture. Ah...Christmas at Sally & Bill's in Birmingham. Those were the days. And dig the crazy hair colors and styles! Guess the year and win a prize. I know it's a little fuzzy, but I had to take a picture of it because my scanner doesn't work.
Love, Sue

Friday, February 12, 2010

Sue´s Views

Ruby wanted to be a part of the Olympic hub-bub, so she asked me if I would make this USA necklace for her. She is so proud to represent the United States. She conveys her cheer along with the rest of us...¨R-o-o-E-S-S-S-A-A-A!!!¨ Oh fer cute! Olympic Spirit...catch the fever!

Love to All.

Sue´s Views

Here, can take this and copy it so when you get to Florida someday,you´ll have this memory (in case the freezing attempt doesn´t work out.
Actually I´m on my ASUS in bed and didn´t know what this picture was until I downoaded it to the blog page. For some reason, I couldn´t do a preview of the picture. It wasn´t an option.
Great picture Walt. I commented late. Nice pad or crib or apartment or flat or whatever is hep. Ron and I just watched a program on the travel channel about Vancouver. It´s unbelievable.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Catching the olympic fever

Well, you were wondering if Walt ever reads this? He does! And he'd like to make a post... right... mark'n set... mark'n set... huppity hup... now!

Here's a picture of downtown Vancouver as seen from the rooftop patio I share with my new building. My previous landlord wanted to shorten my lease and raise the rent, so I went and found another place! As it turns out my new place is much better, and it has a rooftop patio. Pretty nice deal if you ask me... You can see the Olympic rings colored green next to the big white tent looking thing jutting into the harbor.

Plenty of pictures to come!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

I'm a little embarrassed to send this picture, but what the heck. It was taken last summer when the Grandkids were here, and I was trying to be cool like them. I don't know if Walter reads these anymore, but we want OLYMPIC PICS!!! We can't wait! When do you go out, Jim and Shawn?

Kumquat Festival

Dade City did a great job this weekend with the 12th Annual Kumquat Festival. We dragged the Rileys along and made a day of looking at the many vendor stands, and buying lots of kumquats, like 8 pounds! It started raining a little after noon so we ducked into Kokopelli Cafe for lunch, some kumquat specialties, kumquat wine, and kumquat martinis. We had a toast to Betty. After all, Mom first took us girls here for lunch a few years ago and we had the Fried Green Tomato Salad, remember that, Sue and Nan? We wandered through several antique shops and then drove through Zhills on our way home, just for old time's sake. It all looks pretty much the same. Now what to do with all those kumquats! Jam, cakes, pies???

Thursday, January 28, 2010

More shower pics

Thought I'd upload a few more pictures from the shower. So cute!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Liz's baby shower!

It was so nice to see everyone (well, minus a few) today! Aunt Beverly and Patty were there, Sue and Ron surprised us and Elizabeth and Mike received some much-needed and sweet, thoughtful gifts. What fun we had and what blessings we enjoy!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sue's Views

I have this wonderful childhood memory of helping Grandma Traxler bake a souffle. As a late Christmas present, Ron bought me this beautiful souffle casserole dish. I used the last of the spinach leaves that Nancy brought north to share, and made a ham and spinach cheese souffle for Ron and I tonight for dinner. It takes a half hour to bake, and I think I sat on my knees for at least 25 minutes, peekingin the oven window as it rose higher and higher. Here's the finished product. I wish you were all here to share in the great memory. Yummy to the tummy!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Sue's Views

The Happy Rathbun arrival! Mr. and Mrs. James Rathbun making a surprise appearance at Ron and Sue's along with the whole fam-damily on December 26th, 2009. It was short, but great!

Sue's Views

Nancy! Look what I found!!! I thought I sold them in the garage sale. I was so excited when I found them downstairs. I have a set of four. They're from Montgomery Wards (I know because it says that right on the bottom) Maybe they're worth something, but I'll never sell them now. I was heartbroken that I didn't have one of Mom's mugs to serve you a cup of tea along with my fruitcake while you and Joe were here. Will you come back? Aren't they pretty? A-w-w-w-w! Mother is always here in spirit. There's a lot of fun Christmas tea that has been served in these.