Thursday, December 31, 2009

Congratulations Shawn!!!

Yesterday, Shawn completed all the requirements to get her Lean Six Sigma Black Belt. (There is no Marshal Arts involved in this Black Belt!) Getting a Black Belt is a big deal...She had to prove and get sign offs on over 300 competencies. It was a long, and sometimes arduous process, but she did it!!!

I'm really proud of her accomplishments, and really impressed that she knows statistics so well, and really really impressed (and intrigued!) that she actually likes statistics!!

So Cats, when you see Shawn, congratulate her!!
Great job Shawn!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Adam sent me a Facebook note with some interesting insight into the pencil world...I think a man with the conviction to stay with his favorite pencil is a good thing. But I still like round! Here is his note:
Hey, just so all you round people know... Some of us naturally gravitate toward the flat pencil. Still simple, extremely effective, won't roll off of sloped surfaces, tasty for chewing upon, an accurate guide for 1/4 inch the flat way, and 1/2 inch the tall way, perfect spacing for fence boards, great lead strength, and still undefeated in all pencil warfare.

Thanks Adam!

Happy 2010 cats!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Walnut Basket

I finished my walnut slice basket, and here it is. I know your holiday happiness may not be hinging on this event, but it is pretty exciting for me, because now I get to start my next basket, the shell basket, and I'm well on my way with the slash pine needles I got at Big Pine Key on Christmas Day. My motto: While you're not writing something with your round pencils, might as well keep those fingers busy. Busy fingers = happiness for some of us.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Sue's Views

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
There were just enough gifts for all to share.
Joe and Nance arrived on Thursday night,
Had crab legs for dinner; enjoyed each bite!
Traditional baked goods of cookies and cakes,
Served on special dishes and Christmas plates.
It's a family affair and cherished event,
The birth of Christ, the Baby Jesus sent.
The excitement of sharing in food and games,
Then what a asurprise...the arrival of James!!!
After sharing some fish and homeade soup,
the cameras were clicking for one last shoot.
Before too long dismantleing will begin,
As we ring in the year two thousand and ten!
Thanks for a memorable Christmas at the Floer's!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Recreational games on Christmas

We played a few games of darts, shot some pool, and raced cars. The Muszynski's came down, Nancy beat Tim in darts, even though you wouldn't know it by this photo. Joe and Sue teamed up against Nancy and Ron, and believe it or not, Sue had the winning shot...Yahoo! The prize was a shot of cherry bounce. Nancy and I cleaned up all the food dishes at midnight, and now it's time for tea and a little scrabble before we call it a night. What a great time everyone had. Lots of laughs...great family and friends. Joe's cooking in the morning. We're having tortilla soup for lunch, and salmon for dinner. Fun, fun, fun!
Miss everyone. Love, Sue

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas Cats!

Sure we have the red wings socks, but we couldn't help break out a little Johnny Canuck wear.

It's been great having the kids here, but it's also been very busy! After about 48 hours of running around, the final pizza is made and I am ready to hang out and watch some videos and play some rock band!!

All the best to my favorite cats, kith and kin! Love you all!

Christmas 09 at the Floer's

Merry Christmas!
Having a great Christmas with the Thill's. Tons of food (Twilla bars, fruitcake, Ham, scalloped potatoes, dips, chips and cheeses, etc.) Started eating at 7:30 and haven't stopped yet keeping up with the Rathbun tradition. Floer boys came at noon. Neighbors coming over in a few minutes. Wish you were here. Who knows how to connect our sock photos into one? Let's do it, you first. (YUGO)....YUGO??? NO, You go first.
Love Sue and Nan

Greetings from The Cay

The sun popped out and here we are relaxing on the beach, and surprise, we were the only ones down here who got Red Wings socks for Christmas! Thank you sister Nan, what a great way for some family unity, and we know you are all about that! We may give up on the Lions, temporarily, and who cares about the Tigers, but we will always be Red Wings fans. Now when is the next game? I miss you all so very much. It was quite different for us, but we kept busy. I finished up my walnut slice basket (to be posted later) and then was lamenting that I had no more pine needles when suddenly I thought, Big Pine Key, just over the 7 Mile Bridge, Big PINE, hello, there must be pine trees. Sure enough, tons of Yellow Slash Pines, so off we were this morning to collect pine needles and pick up some cherries at the Winn Dixie for a pie for dinner. Gotta go now and make the gravy. Have a great Christmas dinner and evening. Love, Sal

Friday, December 11, 2009

Sue's Views

Here's the Fall Bench. Dang. I should have reversed this order. But, now that I got this done, I can go to bed. Shew!

Sue's Views

Here's what our bench looks like now. I've been trying to put two pictures on the same blog page. One of the benchin the fall, and one in the winter. I couldn't figure it out. Sorry.

The Ratblogs

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Friday, December 4, 2009

Family History

This picture of three pictures was on display at the last family reunion. I blew it up, and then printed it off, then cut each time frame (in thirds) so I can see the features of faces better. Look at how much young twin "Lida" looks like Sally! WOW! It's so much fun seeing the family through the years. We could be on T.V. now that they have that show about locating your real family. Which brings me to a reminder for everyone...Aunt Beverly's birthday is December 10th. F.Y.I. (The day that Ron's Dad passed away.) It's hard to believe that it was 22 years ago. Where has all that time gone?
Aimme, I love looking at your pictures. Sally, great job on your project. Nancy, can't wait to see you guys for Christmas. James, how great that Matt is loving his new family, and that you and Shawn were able to see his new crib!