Monday, February 22, 2010

Sue´s Views

error! error! error! Sue was wrong on the year, contest is still open. Newsflash!!!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Sue's Views

I came across this photo of the 4 sibs, while thumbing through the photo album in search of Father as the Senior Olympic champion. Though I didn't fair well there, I thought this was a pretty cool picture. Ah...Christmas at Sally & Bill's in Birmingham. Those were the days. And dig the crazy hair colors and styles! Guess the year and win a prize. I know it's a little fuzzy, but I had to take a picture of it because my scanner doesn't work.
Love, Sue

Friday, February 12, 2010

Sue´s Views

Ruby wanted to be a part of the Olympic hub-bub, so she asked me if I would make this USA necklace for her. She is so proud to represent the United States. She conveys her cheer along with the rest of us...¨R-o-o-E-S-S-S-A-A-A!!!¨ Oh fer cute! Olympic Spirit...catch the fever!

Love to All.

Sue´s Views

Here, can take this and copy it so when you get to Florida someday,you´ll have this memory (in case the freezing attempt doesn´t work out.
Actually I´m on my ASUS in bed and didn´t know what this picture was until I downoaded it to the blog page. For some reason, I couldn´t do a preview of the picture. It wasn´t an option.
Great picture Walt. I commented late. Nice pad or crib or apartment or flat or whatever is hep. Ron and I just watched a program on the travel channel about Vancouver. It´s unbelievable.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Catching the olympic fever

Well, you were wondering if Walt ever reads this? He does! And he'd like to make a post... right... mark'n set... mark'n set... huppity hup... now!

Here's a picture of downtown Vancouver as seen from the rooftop patio I share with my new building. My previous landlord wanted to shorten my lease and raise the rent, so I went and found another place! As it turns out my new place is much better, and it has a rooftop patio. Pretty nice deal if you ask me... You can see the Olympic rings colored green next to the big white tent looking thing jutting into the harbor.

Plenty of pictures to come!