Thursday, May 29, 2008

And every day...

At 4:00, we drink espresso, and eat figs, and just look at the bic pen.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Sue's Views

I have to tell you that I took a much better picture, but I couldn't find it in my pictures. I'll blog it later. I don't have much time, because I have get back to the Wings. Drat they're losing 3-1. My gum where my tooth was extracted is throbbing tonight, but don't worry, Sal...I WON'T suck it! What an experience THAT was. I hope in the end I won't have that pain in my face. I still have to go back and have work done on the top tooth, where I have a crack. Now let me put my bracelet on. Ron says Detroit just scored. I really have to go now. Who knows...this could be a miracle.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A wedding!

Introducing, Mr. and Mrs. Weber!  Here's a picture from my two best friends' wedding in Wautoma, Wisconsin this past weekend.  I've lived with Tim in houghton for almost 4 years, and Christen has lived in Houghton the past 2 years, and I was the best man.  They had an amazing wedding!  Everything went really well and I had a blast.  It was very sad to leave them on Monday, but now I'm in Rawlins, Wyoming spending the night.  Tomorrow I'll get to Salt Lake City!  Its been pretty good driving so far; it didn't help that I danced the night away at the reception on sunday night.  Last night I stayed in Murdo, South Dakota.  I'm excited to start work on Monday, but first I gotta find an apartment in Salt Lake.  I'll worry about that after tomorrow.  So long cats!

-Walter B.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Am I here?

hello family! I hope to be connected with my family soon. Mom does this work?

Happy Memorial Day

The gas prices here just went down to $3.97 today, so we splurged and got 5 gallons in the silver car. That should last us for almost 2 weeks.
Things were quiet around here this weekend, but not so in Kalamazoo at the Moped Rally. Gabe and Lori took a fall on Saturday, and Lori ended up with a concussion and broken collar bone and a night's stay in the local hospital. They released her yesterday but she didn't quite pass the cognitive test they gave her before leaving the hosptal so she has to retake it again in 4 days and in the meantime has to have someone with her at all times, can't drive, and can't work. Hopefully her mom can come down to help out for a few days, then Gabe can work from home at the end of the week. She also will probably need some therapy on her shoulder. They are planning to head back to Ferndale today. Gabe's injuries were limited to a skinned up knee. No one is quite sure what happened since Lori has no memory of any of it, something made her swerve or turn and fall, and then Gabe, close behind, ran into her. And yes, they both had their helmets on. I tell ya, no matter how old your kids are, you are always worried about them! We just hope for a speedy and full recovery for Lori!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

One down, 194 to go!  This is square #1 on my bedspread project.  This square is about 6" across.  If I make one a week, I could finish the bedspread in less than 4 years!

Crochet Project I

These are the bags that I made from recycled grocery bags. The one in the front is made from Publix bags, and the one in the back is made from bags from the hospital gift shop. It takes a while to collect the bags, but then it is a quick project on #15 wooden crochet hook. Yes, some people would say I have too much time on my hands. I got the pattern on the internet, and hey, there are no yarn shops around here, so the grocery bags were a nice alternative.


Shawn's work buddy Jim (her "other" Jim). Called her yesterday and asked if we wanted to see Spam-a-Lot. It's a play that is a take off on the movie "Monty Python and the Holy Grail". Needless to say it was a pretty silly play, but it was quite a production. We enjoyed it - and we can't stop singing "always look on the bright side of life". After the play, we met Jim at the local watering hole for a fun evening of conversation.
We were out so late that we decided to drive the gas hog into work. Oh well, at least we're car pooling...
always look on the bright side of life, Cats!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Three Cheers for The Blog Master!

And we will not mock him anymore because he did such a great job of setting up the Rathblog. Isn't it great! Everybody is in one spot, it is so easy to post to, and even easier to post a comment. I find myself on the computer all day long now just keeping up with what everyone is doing. Yes, you are one talented kid. Thanks, Matt.

me and my honda

Here I am. I get excited just looking at it. I just picked up my cool-dude sunglasses that match the car yesterday. Candy-I'm so darn excited about Boeing!

Sue's Views

Way to go Candy. Atta girl! Great picture. I'm at work, so I better not yap much.

Boeing- Here I Come!

Hi Everybody!
I finally heard from Boeing after a month of waiting. I'll be starting on June 20th. I'm going to be working on the 777 on the interior structures. I get to work in the huge factory. I'm so excited!!!!
Also, today is Jett's last day of preschool. He's not too happy about it, either. I just have to keep reminding him that now he's going to officially be a big Kindergartener. Time flies, doesn't it?

Monday, May 19, 2008

new car

Here was a picture I took right after I came home with the new car.

I think I errored

Last night I sent a photo picture and called it "Sue's Views". Did you get that? Then, I created my own blog account. I don't think I was supposed to do that. I thought I was just following the directions. Dang. Can you invite Candy to the family blog site? Her e-mail is (WE HAVE IT!!). Thanks.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sue's Views

What a great weekend at Jim and Shawn's. I'm just sorry we fizzled out and forgot to do the dance game thing. (I forget what it's called) Sally, you did a such a great job on the memories of Mother. Nace...thanks for the tapes, and please make sure you thank Sanna for us. I'm not sure this is going to post, so I won't ramble on.
Love, Sue

The boys and I went to see Ironman tonight.  It passed the "no-sleep"test  (and I was really tired!)  It was pretty good - I told the boys I'd give it a solid 6.5 out of 10.  (Spoiler alert - This WAS NOT a true story!)

I Had 3 tasks to accomplish today.   1) Relax; 2) take a bike ride; 3) do a quick mow on the lawn.  Done, Done and Done cats!

quiet weekend

Hey all,

I had a quiet weekend up here.  With all my running around the last few weekends, the lack of sleep from when the brothers were here and the advent of allergy season, I needed a break.  So I stayed in, watched movies, read, etc.

I saw 3 movies: PS I Love You, Evan Almighty and August Rush.  PS I Love You was ok, kinda cute, pretty sad, but good overall.  Evan Almighty was a little over the top, but had some good parts and I thought August Rush was good also.  Anyway, this is not a movie review...  Both PS I Love You and August Rush had a recurring "everything happens for a reason" theme.  Normally I would have gone "psssh, stuff like that doesn't happen."  But the new, Alaskan Aimee thinks stuff really does happen for a reason.  And in Evan Almighty, there's a scene when God talks to Evan's wife and says this gem:

"Let me ask you something. If someone prays for patience, you think God gives them patience? Or does he give them the opportunity to be patient? If he prayed for courage, does God give him courage, or does he give him opportunities to be courageous? If someone prayed for the family to be closer, do you think God zaps them with warm fuzzy feelings, or does he give them opportunities to love each other?"

I wasn't planning on blogging this to be sappy, but I've been quite introspective after church these days, or at least I've been thinking a lot (sign of a good pastor, I think).  Anyway, the movies made me think a lot too.  I'm not really ready to draw any conclusions (there are a lot of them anyway) but I thought I'd send along that quote to think about.  

Today after church I stopped by Fred Meyers for cereal and a sub and strawberries for lunch.  And starbucks.  I loaded the groceries into my new pannier and rode to Creamer's Field to sit on a bench and picnic.  At first when I was riding by I said (in my head) "oh there are no birds here any more...  but it'll be nice to sit here anyway" BUT THEN I saw a ton of Sandhill Cranes.  Cool stuff.  Those guys really look like dinosaurs and some friendly children notified me that they were doing "the crane dance."  Yep, that or reproducing.  But anyway, neat stuff.

And my purse cam was out of batteries. :-(  Not to worry though, I think these panniers could hold my big camera bag-- so maybe I'll head out there again sometime.

Later gators!  Pajama party part deux in Vegas?!

Yesterday was the memorial service for Grandma at Fairplains Cemetery.  It was a beautiful day in Grand Rapids.  Pastor Gary conducted the service and Sally contributed by reading a beautiful remembrance of Grandma that she had written.  Aunt Beverly was there with son Jerry & his wife Joyce, daughter Marsha & her hubby Harry, and Patty.  Afterward, we took a tour of Grandpa's old haunts in Grand Rapids, then had lunch at our place.  Sue read a great essay that she wrote in 2005 about going to Mom's house.  And then we opened our "time capsules" that we all wrote at Christmas 1999.  Lots of fun to read them!

We watched the hockey game.  Darn the Wings lost!  Then watched the baseball game.  Yay!  The Tigers won!  Had Big Bob's Pizza for a late dinner.  It was a full house with all 3 sisters & Joe & Ron sleeping overnight.  

Joe cooked breakfast this morning and we watched home movies that Nancy had transferred to DVD.  Lots of great memories!  Then everyone took off!    

I think that all 4 of us have all had a nap now, so now it is time for a bike ride!  

Saturday, May 17, 2008

My name is Matt

Everyone mocks me! but I'm semi-used to it because I am the youngest... :(

and this looks like a picture of Walt but it's actually a girl that we found on google.
This is a test.  :>)