Thursday, December 31, 2009

Congratulations Shawn!!!

Yesterday, Shawn completed all the requirements to get her Lean Six Sigma Black Belt. (There is no Marshal Arts involved in this Black Belt!) Getting a Black Belt is a big deal...She had to prove and get sign offs on over 300 competencies. It was a long, and sometimes arduous process, but she did it!!!

I'm really proud of her accomplishments, and really impressed that she knows statistics so well, and really really impressed (and intrigued!) that she actually likes statistics!!

So Cats, when you see Shawn, congratulate her!!
Great job Shawn!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Adam sent me a Facebook note with some interesting insight into the pencil world...I think a man with the conviction to stay with his favorite pencil is a good thing. But I still like round! Here is his note:
Hey, just so all you round people know... Some of us naturally gravitate toward the flat pencil. Still simple, extremely effective, won't roll off of sloped surfaces, tasty for chewing upon, an accurate guide for 1/4 inch the flat way, and 1/2 inch the tall way, perfect spacing for fence boards, great lead strength, and still undefeated in all pencil warfare.

Thanks Adam!

Happy 2010 cats!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Walnut Basket

I finished my walnut slice basket, and here it is. I know your holiday happiness may not be hinging on this event, but it is pretty exciting for me, because now I get to start my next basket, the shell basket, and I'm well on my way with the slash pine needles I got at Big Pine Key on Christmas Day. My motto: While you're not writing something with your round pencils, might as well keep those fingers busy. Busy fingers = happiness for some of us.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Sue's Views

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
There were just enough gifts for all to share.
Joe and Nance arrived on Thursday night,
Had crab legs for dinner; enjoyed each bite!
Traditional baked goods of cookies and cakes,
Served on special dishes and Christmas plates.
It's a family affair and cherished event,
The birth of Christ, the Baby Jesus sent.
The excitement of sharing in food and games,
Then what a asurprise...the arrival of James!!!
After sharing some fish and homeade soup,
the cameras were clicking for one last shoot.
Before too long dismantleing will begin,
As we ring in the year two thousand and ten!
Thanks for a memorable Christmas at the Floer's!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Recreational games on Christmas

We played a few games of darts, shot some pool, and raced cars. The Muszynski's came down, Nancy beat Tim in darts, even though you wouldn't know it by this photo. Joe and Sue teamed up against Nancy and Ron, and believe it or not, Sue had the winning shot...Yahoo! The prize was a shot of cherry bounce. Nancy and I cleaned up all the food dishes at midnight, and now it's time for tea and a little scrabble before we call it a night. What a great time everyone had. Lots of laughs...great family and friends. Joe's cooking in the morning. We're having tortilla soup for lunch, and salmon for dinner. Fun, fun, fun!
Miss everyone. Love, Sue

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas Cats!

Sure we have the red wings socks, but we couldn't help break out a little Johnny Canuck wear.

It's been great having the kids here, but it's also been very busy! After about 48 hours of running around, the final pizza is made and I am ready to hang out and watch some videos and play some rock band!!

All the best to my favorite cats, kith and kin! Love you all!

Christmas 09 at the Floer's

Merry Christmas!
Having a great Christmas with the Thill's. Tons of food (Twilla bars, fruitcake, Ham, scalloped potatoes, dips, chips and cheeses, etc.) Started eating at 7:30 and haven't stopped yet keeping up with the Rathbun tradition. Floer boys came at noon. Neighbors coming over in a few minutes. Wish you were here. Who knows how to connect our sock photos into one? Let's do it, you first. (YUGO)....YUGO??? NO, You go first.
Love Sue and Nan

Greetings from The Cay

The sun popped out and here we are relaxing on the beach, and surprise, we were the only ones down here who got Red Wings socks for Christmas! Thank you sister Nan, what a great way for some family unity, and we know you are all about that! We may give up on the Lions, temporarily, and who cares about the Tigers, but we will always be Red Wings fans. Now when is the next game? I miss you all so very much. It was quite different for us, but we kept busy. I finished up my walnut slice basket (to be posted later) and then was lamenting that I had no more pine needles when suddenly I thought, Big Pine Key, just over the 7 Mile Bridge, Big PINE, hello, there must be pine trees. Sure enough, tons of Yellow Slash Pines, so off we were this morning to collect pine needles and pick up some cherries at the Winn Dixie for a pie for dinner. Gotta go now and make the gravy. Have a great Christmas dinner and evening. Love, Sal

Friday, December 11, 2009

Sue's Views

Here's the Fall Bench. Dang. I should have reversed this order. But, now that I got this done, I can go to bed. Shew!

Sue's Views

Here's what our bench looks like now. I've been trying to put two pictures on the same blog page. One of the benchin the fall, and one in the winter. I couldn't figure it out. Sorry.

The Ratblogs

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Friday, December 4, 2009

Family History

This picture of three pictures was on display at the last family reunion. I blew it up, and then printed it off, then cut each time frame (in thirds) so I can see the features of faces better. Look at how much young twin "Lida" looks like Sally! WOW! It's so much fun seeing the family through the years. We could be on T.V. now that they have that show about locating your real family. Which brings me to a reminder for everyone...Aunt Beverly's birthday is December 10th. F.Y.I. (The day that Ron's Dad passed away.) It's hard to believe that it was 22 years ago. Where has all that time gone?
Aimme, I love looking at your pictures. Sally, great job on your project. Nancy, can't wait to see you guys for Christmas. James, how great that Matt is loving his new family, and that you and Shawn were able to see his new crib!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! We have many blessings for which we're thankful! This is a picture of us with Matt's Chilean host parents, Veronica and Eduardo. They have been so wonderful, welcoming Matt (and us this week) into their home and family. Today we're going back to their house to introduce them to our holiday by making Thanksgiving dinner (with a turkey from Brazil!) for their family. You are all in our thoughts and prayers of Thanksgiving today. Love you all!

Monday, November 16, 2009

My Newest Craft

It's a pine needle basket, and it's almost finished. It's far from perfect, but that's because I'm still learning the craft. I had lots of fun collecting needles in northern Florida, and have enough for lots more baskets. This week we are going up to visit the Rileys in Northport, FL and I am going to try to find "Woven Spirit Basketry" in Nokomis. I am in search of a walnut shell slice for the center of my next basket. Hey, I'll admit it, I'm a Rathbun and love the search for something difficult to find.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Sue's Views

This is what I'm talkin' about! This picture was taken off Ron's trail camera just a couple days ago. We've also seen a picture of a 12-pointer roaming the property. I photo shopped it, so I could see it better. It really looked grainny, so I didn't send it. Perhaps I'll be sending picture of me holding it's antlers after I shot it. The opening day is Sunday. I'm cooking cherry almond bread for the 10:00 break. I hope that's the flavor they're looking for this year.
In other news...all my tests came back normal, so I guess I just have lumpy boobs. I'm not complaining about THAT! The throat doc upped my meds for that issue. I feel like Mother. Here's a sad note...I now take 64 pills a week. No wonder I'm a little goofy.
Love, Silly Sue

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Sue's Views

Ron and I went salmon fishing last Saturday. Let's just say I got to try the new ple and reel out that Don got for me two Christmases ago. We fished up on the Oqueoc River where it's a little narrow. I lost a lure at the same Ron lost a lure. So we packed it up for that day. We drove to Cheboygan to see if anyone was catching anything, but there were only four people fishing. I think we were a little late. But you never know...soomeday I'm going to be the one lugging that big salmon.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Sue's Views

Here's the brain teaser for tonight...Who can guess what is above my newly polished stones? I didn't take the greatest picture, but I inadvertantly deleted the good one. And if there are any geological engineers in on this, can you identify my beautiful rocks for me? The first one to guest the objects gets a Kit Kat.
Good Luck!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Sue's Views

I'm so late at remembering this...but Happy Birthday, Bill! Sorry I wasn't right on time.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Sue's Views

First morels, lately it's been button tops, followed by fairy rings, then shaggy ink caps and now THIS!!!!

Sue's Views

Look what popped up in my garden overnight! It's unbelievable! Ya just never know when you'll get a crazy new mushroom up here in the north country. I think I should send this into a magazine or something! I wonder if the deer will find them tasty.
For my birthday, Ron got me a rock tumbler, so now I can make beautiful jewelry for everyone out of the pretty stones we find. I hope the weather holds out so we can take a trip to 40 mile point and search for more stones. Therese gave me three pairs of socks and made a cake. Nancy brought me up a sister candle and lots of new stuf from bath and body works. We went to Traverse City yesterday where we got the rock tumler. Then we found an elk mobile. The excitement just doesn't quit. It's a beautiful fall day here in Michigan. I can hear the construction going on for the new bridge.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Sue's Views

I remember the day you came home from the hospital in Elkins W.V. Dad finally had his baby boy. It seems Grandma and Grandpa Traxler were there to help out. The whole town was so excited about the big event. People came fromnear and far for a view of the new baby boy, James Walter Rathbun. Happy 50th James. You sure have made a name for yourself-all over the world. And today you are thin and lean and the picture of health. I'd write a poem for you but I don't think I'll get it done by midnight.


BIG Birthday!

Happy Birthday, Mimmy. You've given your sisters 50 years of joy, love and excitement. Can't wait to see what the next 50 will bring. Does this photo bring back great memories? It does to me. AND don't miss Jim's own birthday post below.

50 Schmifty!!!

From the woods of West Virginia to the sidewalks of Alaska.... from mom's shoulders to Walt's willing shoulders... It's been a blast for 50 years!
We've had fun in Alaska! What a beautiful state...
I'll celebrate tomorrow with a pizza dinner at Moose's Tooth and cake and ice cream at Aimee's place.
I am very blessed, and happy to move up an age bracket!
It's all tailwinds from here Cats!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Home Again, Home Again

Here we are, back in The Keys, after a great 3 week trip. We had a relaxing 7 days on a Carribbean cruise, Roatan,Honduras being our favorite port. For me, the best part of our vacation was all of the small historic towns we visited in Florida, Alabama, and Mississippi. We especially enjoyed Natchez, and the beautiful pre-Civil War homes. We were so impressed with the fact that everyone was so eager to strike up a conversation and tell us about their cities. Southerners really are a friendly bunch once you get away from the I 75 corrider. The photo is of a church just north of Natchez, in Port Gibson which bills itself as the "city too beautiful to burn". This is where Grant landed before he took over and burned Vicksburg. A bit of my Civil War History from 6th grade came in handy on this trip (I lived in West Virginia and spent half the year making a civil war book).
Our very last night of vacation was in Zephyrhills. I stopped by a visited with Dorothy and Pat, both were very glad to see me. Mom's place looks...very neat, some things are missing (I'll let you guess) but I can tell the guy really enjoys the place and everyone says he is a great neighbor. On the way out of town, I discovered a new Cuban Cafe, "Flaco's" where they had authentic Cuban bread and a great con leche. I tell ya, Z'hills is really becoming cosmo.
Some sad news, I got notice that Bill Taylor passed away on June 8th. Marsha sent a letter and funeral notice with a picture, similar to what we did for Mom's. I am sending it on to Sue, and maybe it will get there for Nan to see this weekend, and then she can send it on to you, Jim.
Have a great weekend, y'all. I'll be thinking of Sue on stage, and the Rathbuns spending time together.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Sue's Views

Look!!! Ron's so tickled that it's his 57th birthday. I've never seen him happier. In all the years we've been married, this is the biggest smile from Ron that I've ever seen. I wish I could say that he's smiling because of something I did...the truth is that this picture was taken right after we unloaded last year's mushroom bags, counted them up between Debbie, Mark and myself and Ron. Guess who had the most....Ron, of course. It was a great day. We found over 300 that day-some of which were whites and giants. If anyone would like to join us to have this much fun next year, we'll share our secret gold mine. Pencil us in for around early May. Oh! Happy Birthday Ron!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Sue's Views

Ron and I made our first trip to the apple orchard last weekend. The trees along the roads are loaded this year. It must have been the abundance of rain we had this summer. We bought a bag of Paula Reds and State Fair apples. Now it's time to get busy and make a pie. Congratulations to Jim and Shawn on quite an adventure. I think you deserve some kind of award. Wow! Truly to share with your Grandchildren some day. I think I'll share it with mine. I printed off your story and read it three times. Super job, Rathbun team. Tonight we went to a hobo dinner at Harvey's farm. He runs the skidder where Ron cuts wood. He's an old coot, but very friendly. He's lived here all his life. Tomorrow is the famous Potato Festival. I saw a pontiac red potato tonight that was three times as big as any potato I've ever seen. The farmers around here are darn proud of their crop of spuds; as well they should be! Later.
Love, Sue

Sue's Views

I know it looks like we set one of those fake deer out for target practice, but it's the real deal. I don't think they make fawns for a target anyway. What a shot Ron got with my camera at 4:30 one afternoon. It won't be long and we'll be climbing up the tree stands with our bows to see if we spot any monster bears or deer. We've had a bear on on property almost all summer. Don's actually got a license this year, so he's either going to try for one on on property or his own property. We walk Ruby every night and we saw 9 deer the other night. One was a beautiful buck! Tehn last Tuesday night, a skunk came out of nowhere, and Ruby ran right after it. Mega Bummer. She still smells a litle today, but at least she's tolerable. Could there be anything worse?
Later, Sue

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Sue's Views

It was a successful 10th Mighty Mac walk across the infamous Straights of Mackinac. We had numerous events occur throughout the day: traffic tie-ups, accidents, EMS crews, wedding proposals, fog, heat, but a darn good breakfast at the Admiral's Table following the walk. How did Jim and Shawn fair? I'm hoping this will post since I've had issues with the Rathblog. My computer is fixed now. At least I will be able to e-mail.
Love, Sue

Friday, August 28, 2009

DALMAC - 2009

In a few minutes we will be heading north to stage our car in Mackinaw City to start this year's Round Trip adventure...
M.C. to Lansing where we connect with DALMAC then back to Lansing. Hopefully we have all the right stuff in all the right bags!
I'll be posting on jimrathblog/ - maybe Shawn on her's too... like a dirty shirt cats!

Can It Be True?

Word has it that this man and his wife are not only riding the Dalmac this year from Lansing to Mackinaw City, but are first driving up to Mackinaw and riding their bikes from there to Lansing BEFORE they ride with the Dalmac group up to Mackinaw. Can it be true? Have they both gone totally bonkers? I hope they post pictures, and gently tell us how many miles that might be...I don't know if I can even stand to think of the sore leg muscles. They are some family role models, in fact, I think they have inspired me to up my evening bike riding distance from one mile to two.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Ore to Shore 2009

Hey Cats!

This weekend I was in a Mountain bike ride from Negaunee to Marquette "Ore to Shore" It was a very cool place for a race – Lots of different terrain, sand, mud, water, rock, hard packed gravel, gravel roads (a few too many miles) and paved roads (way too many miles). I did the “hard rock” race which is 48 miles plus a rolling start – which means you ride a mile or two before you get to the 48 mile point – I don’t quite understand not calling this a 50 mile ride, but that’s OK – it’s a mountain bike thing.

I’ve never done this ride but I read reports and saw the profiles and saw that the last ½ of the ride was lots of down hills. Before the race I got a new, smaller rear cog to bring my gear ratio to 2:1 – boy am I glad I did! I would have been spinning my butt off in my old gear. If I was to ride it again I’ll bump up a gear again.

My previous “long ride” on my mountain bike was 27 miles. I was a bit worried about having enough in me to finish the extra 20. I wanted to start out in a comfortable pace and not expend too much at the start. I started in the back of the field just to keep my pace down. I was glad I did that for this race, but I will move up next year. I got behind some pretty slow "trains" (packs of riders) going up hills I could have pushed harder if the path in front of me was clear.

It was in interesting course, I would have loved it except two sections: t the 1/3 point was along a power line that was up hill, with small flat sections between quick rises – it was very rocky though this section. The drill was walk / run up a small 50 ft hill, ride for 200 feet, walk / run up a small 50 ft hill, Ride for 200 feet, walk / run up a small 50 ft hill, ride for 200 feet, wash rinse and repeat. I’m sure there were stronger bikers that could ride these rises, but not me! The other horrible section for me and my single speed was about 6 miles in the very middle of the ride that was all on paved roads! Yuck! I was I was able to pass a few multi-speed bike on the climbs – a good thing. But I was also getting mad watching the multi-speeds on the flat sections, using their middle rings! I kept thinking, if you aren’t going to use those nice big gears on these flats and down hills, let me borrow them!

It was a fun ride – I got really, really dirty, sweaty, and muddy that’s always good. I had lot’s of exciting decents, and near falls. (I did fall a time or two on the climbs.)

I was pretty happy with my time for my first 48 mile + mountain bike ride - 3 hours 25 minutes. The sad news is I was 28 out of 34 in the single speed group. I like to tell myself that the single speed group is pretty competitive, with lots of very strong (and young!) riders. If I would have raced with my age group, I’d have been 24 out of 51 – AND I’d have way more gears for the flat sections! I certainly left some room for improvement next year.

Spin to win Cats!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Sue's Views

Sue's Views

Sally and Bill are now on there northern excursion via Canada. This picture is taken in some town along their route. (sorry I can't tell you exactly the town) We had a great time with them, the two days that they were here. It was non-stop fun, fun, fun. We sure have a great time with the Cherry's...doesn't everyone, though?
Love, Sue

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Florida Fun

I can't believe 2 weeks have gone by so quickly. I sure had a great time traveling around the state spending time with all my Florida Family. (orlando to Viera, to the keys, back to Viera then to Jax. then to Tampa, and finaly back to Orlando) Sal and Bill are the best at fun with relaxation. I love the warm salt water and game of scrabble on the beach and then to the pool for a warm swim. And the food was just my style, healthy and grilled to perfection (even pizza).
Thanks Sal and Bill.

I had such great time at Mike and Elizabeth's. Andrea joined us there on Tues. We took a side trip to Cocoa Village while Elizabeth and Mike had to work. Then on Thurs. Andrea and I went to Jax. for one night, then went on to Tampa area where Pastor Brandon has started his new job. s

My wonderful children suprised me with last day fun. We had an afternoon at the Harry T. Lea Botanical Gardens; Palm Gardens, Bamboo gardens, Butterfly gardens, White Gardens, Arid Gardens, Shade Gardens, even a vegetable garden, and many more. You would love it! It was incredibley beautiful. I am going to plan a sister walk in March 2010 (of course boys are invited too). Anyone want to join me? Next we had dinner at the New York Cheese Cake Factory. Hokey Pokey don-a-mokey!! What a menu! Just look at the happy faces. What a great family. I only wish I had more time to spend with them. My flight left at 9:15pm, it's amazing what you can fit into one day. not sure I recommend it thought, esp. over 45,man, was I tired, but, I am ready to return.

Sure do love all my family.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Moondogs on Maplewood!

These "Moondogs" have marched across the street from the neighbor's house and Marais wanted to join in the action! Every time I see them, I start humming the Sorcerer's Apprentice!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

landscaping at the taylors

mike used the machete to remove the overgrown brazilian pepper tree, not an easy task. yes the temperature was 97. i've been having fun helping with the yard work, playing with dozer, going to hockey games (mike scored 5 goals) woo hoo!!! its been a great vacation! andrea comes into town on tuesday for more fun together. i love the florida heat, especially when you can come inside to cool off. elizabeth and i have been walking and bike riding, but no pool after the workout, boo hoo, because it was still locked at 7am! dont worry elizabeth is going to talk to the president of the community for the combination.
thats all for now, another hockey game tonight, and some shoe shopping today!
love to all!

Greetings from Vancouver! I need a break from studying for the FE (fundamentals of engineering...) exam, so here's my first update since moving out here. I'm having a great time out here, there's just so much to do! Its funny to think back to when we visited here for spring break of my freshman year of High School. I remember looking at the Coast Mountains from the parking lot of Mountain Equipment Co-op and thinking of how perfect of a city Vancouver really is: convenience, happy people, good coffee, proximity to the mountains, and most of all, the perfect backdrop for a city. I put it on my list of cool cities I'd love to live in but didn't honestly see myself living here someday. So ever since I've moved here I've been pinching myself. Its quite a place!

Work is going good. I'm the young junior engineer in the office, which means I get the scraps of a majority of the engineering work that goes around. Besides that, I've been getting along great with the other engineers and I can't complain. I've been working on a lot of stuff from the Alberta Oil Sands north of Edmonton. They're moving a lot of dirt and rock up there, so its a geotechnical engineer's playground (and an environmental engineer's nightmare... but I'll save that for another blog post). The mine we do a lot of consulting for is 3-4 km (ha!) wide, maybe 50-60 meters deep at the deepest areas. To put it in perspective, the mine I worked in last summer was just about as wide, but quite a bit deeper. In the oil sands world the mine we work at is a baby. Its really just started and is about 1/8 of the way done.

Besides work I've been playing four square (we call it man square) somewhat regularly with a friend from work and his friends on fridays. Its pretty fun playing a kid's game at an elementary school with a bunch of grown-ups, while enjoying a beer or two. I've also been playing water polo at the University of British Columbia with a club team. There might be 4-5 actual students total on the team, the rest are older guys and gals. Its really challenging compared to Michigan Tech water polo, there's a few former national-level players so it makes it pretty tough to keep up sometimes. I like to think I can hold my own against them, though.

Thats about it for now! Don't want to bore you too much with whats going on, but thats the gist of whats going on in my life!

That pictures are from my hike about a month ago along the Howe Sound Crest Trail. Its a 30 km trail that starts just outside of Vancouver and winds along a ridge over 5-6 mountain peaks. I've been telling people its the most mentally challenging thing I've ever done in my life, but it gave me a perspective not many Vancouverites (or flatlander Michiganders!!!) get of the city and surrounding landscape. Having a hard time seeing the trail? So did we, and that was one of the many reasons that contributed to the difficulty of the hike! If you find the lions, which are the two sharp peaks in the middle of the picture, the trail came between those two peaks, down the ridge and then back up to the point where the picture was taken. I'm not in the picture because I was probably still behind.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Sue's Views

Sue's Views

This guy's been hanging out at the property. The picture is taken off of Ron's trail cam. We've seen him on the trail cam for about a month. We know he's spending the night because we have pictures of him laying down, sitting, scratching, and eating...just your typical guy in the woods. I figured you would be getting bored of the Grandkids, so I thought I'd throw in a curve. This was a taken at around 9:00 pm. I like it because the sky is such a pretty deep blue.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Mini Fam Reunion

How lucky are we? We got Nan and Liz here for the week.

Liz shopped for Reeboks at Bealles, just like Uncle Jim told her to do.

We played Scrabble on the beach.

Happy Hour at Sparky's (so what else is new).

Bill made us "Death by Coconut" cocktails, and even Nancy embibed.
Next, pizza for dinner, sunset at the park, and an after dark swim in the pool.
Now we are really havin' fun! Wish you all were here.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

A Rathbun Family Must Have

The conference bike. You may already have this out in the garage, but if not, Jim, you need it for your next solstice party. You can rent one at You steer, they pedal.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Sue's Views

Well here she is in person. I'll cherish this moment in time and never forget how shocked I was the minute I saw her face. Boy, we had a ball! There are scads of scads of pictures. I will try to send you all a disc of the photo shoot.
Love, Sue