Yes, these could have been the best figs there, since these would have been the only figs there if we had not slept in and missed the 9:30 entry time at the Marathon Fruit Festival. Not being on time, it's a Keys thing, and we weren't all that excited about the contest. To be perfectly honest, our figs do not have the sweetest taste. They certainly don't resemble the figs in a fig newton, except for the crunch, and that is what I like the least about a fig newton. Now our pineapple was another story. We ate it the healthiest way last night, cut up and plain. It was delicious, just as sweet or sweeter than Dole in a can in heavy syrup. It could have competed with the winners at the fruit festival for taste, but they were bigger, probably because they were grown in the ground, not in a pot like our was. I promise this is my last fruit post for at least a week.
Those figs look great! I'm glad you enjoyed that wonderful pineapple, don't worry we might just plan our next trip down in 18 months!
The crunchy parts of fig newtons are my favorite part! Will those get brown and wrinkly before you eat them??
well we did leave some on the counter to turn brown, but they look pretty disgusting by now. We figured they were ripe when we picked them.
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