Well it was the "Blessing of the Bikes" weekend in Hillman recently. It almost looks like Joe Thill showed up, but he went to some other town where they had a benefit for a rider who lost his son(?). I don't know what came over me, but on Sunday, are you sitting down?, I WENT TO CHURCH! Yes it's true. I went to the church I've wanted to try for three years now. It was great! It's called Word of Life Baptist church in Alpena. Our new neighbors go there. I knew a lot of other people from the bank that also go there. They do a lot of singing so it's uplifting, fresh and new. The minister was good. I'll probably be back. I couldn't wait to tell you that I "took the plunge". (No pun intended) Ron was working at the property. Well it looks like we have another night of hockey. I'd better get out my Red Wings flag out and put in on my car. "We want the cup!"
Good for you, Sue, "Taking the plunge". I like how you did that photo, four in one. That is very cool. Go Wings! We'll be cheering!
Can't wait for the game tonight! It's gonna be a good one!
Good job with church Sue!
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