And is it sweet! 45CCs, 1 and a third horsepower, 200mpg! It only holds about a quart of gas. We haven't had it near full throttle yet. We've just been testing it out around the island. It needs a few minor adjustments, and boy is our dining room/workshop a beautiful thing right now. We need a basket and a rear view mirror, and then, Winn Dixie here we come! We? Who get's to take it grocery shopping? We like it so much, we may get another. Hey, the sound is pretty cool too, just like when we clothespinned a playing card onto our trike spokes. Check out the sound on "Beachbloggin".
I didn't hear about this!! That's too cool! I have so many questions - Where to start???
Is it a kit?
Is it a direct drive to the tire?
Does it come with ear plugs?
Can you edge the lawn along the curb?
Where's the blower attachment?
If you leave now, you guys could make it to Vegas in time for the wedding!! Wouldn't that be a story for the Key Colony Press!
Yes, it's a kit we ordered from a company in Oklahoma. It's direct drive from the tire, and we had to get a new smooth tire. Ear plugs are optional. It sounds like you could mow the lawn with it. We aren't sure if it is street legal, and are afraid to ask.
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