Check out this iris in my yard. What a beauty! It's a good thing I took the picture before the pounding rain we had. My poor moccasin flowers really took a beating. I'll send some other flower photos. I love trying to get just te perfect shot with my little camera. I'm healing fast. Thank you for all the prayers. How about Tim Russert? Mother always loved him. Well, let's say she enjoyed him. Well, let's say she always tuned into him. Well, let's not even go there. She'll be seeing a lot of him now. Is that bad humor? I don't want to be sinful. You know what I mean. I'm outta here.
I've been thinking of mom meeting Tim Russert. She had a "thing" for him - well you know what I mean!
Yes, mom is REALLY enjoying Tim Russert now! Every Sunday morning before church. That's where she was, in front of the TV, showered, dressed and ready to go.. . . gee, I hope someone doesn't get the wrong idea reading this. . . .that is, ready to go to church. He was a great man.
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