I got this Henna tattoo today at Easttown's Bizarre Bazaar. In case you don't know, henna tattoos are temporary they last 1-4 weeks. This is the first time I've ever done one. I have some Indian friends who have showed me their wedding pictures and I always thought it was so cool. But it is so hard to keep the paste on! I've got lots to do today - good thing I had it put on my left hand - but still, I've knocked some of it off. The longer you leave the paste on, the darker the tattoo will be. So, after I got home, I put a lemon juice/sugar paste on it - I hear that helps keep the paste on longer. I'll post another picture after I take the paste off.
You be stylin' girl! Very pretty. Now Jim needs to take you somewhere special.. .. Quadoba? Hey while I have Shawn on the line, and maybe more Rathblog computer support team members. . . Joe and I are wondering if we should switch from the AVG "free addition" internet security, it keeps telling us to upgrade. What is everyone else using? You know we like a bargin and it is free. But all the warnings to upgrade are getting annoying. Any advise? Is it ok to us a blog comment space to ask this question?
Whether you pay for it or not, it uses the same virus lists. I have AVG (the free one) on my PC-- how often do you scan? i think mine only popped up when it scanned and I did that once a week. (Us Mac owners don't worry about viruses much any more!) Anyway, point is, it's annoying but does the job. :-\
Very nice, mom! I got a henna tattoo in Europe in high school. ;-) Unfortunately I swam in the ocean shortly after getting it. :-(
OMG! This family is way out of control! But I like it, very international looking.
thanks Aimee. I will see if I can adjust the scan to less often. It basically scans almost everytime we turn on our computer. Anyways I appreciate your input. Isn't it great to communicate even though we are sooooo many miles apart? And how about that brother of yours, cool camera!!
O M G! My mom got a "hep" and happenin' henna tattoo, drives a "bike box", and my aunt uses phrases like OMG!!
That's funny Walt!
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