Thursday, December 25, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Saturday, December 13, 2008
2 of my favorite characters!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Sueś Views
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Sue's Views

Sue's Views
Saturday, December 6, 2008

Friday, December 5, 2008
Sue's Views

Monday, December 1, 2008
White Christmas
memories of a snowy walk through downtown Birmingham on Christmas Eve.
Hope you all enjoy your own preparations for the season, and some
nice walks through the crunchy snow to enjoy the neighborhood lights.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Captain Joe Hits the Road

Turkeyday '08
We had a great meal - A heritage turkey, that was fantastic! and all the good trimmings!
A fun day for sure!!
A movie Recommendation from the day: "Lars and the real girl"
Always type in Blue Cats! (Grrrrrrr)
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Sue's Views
hi ya!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Sue's Views

Sue's Views
Sorry I didn´t preview this picture before sending it to you. I did a lot of fall scenes this year. Nancy, I keep forgetting to tell you that you really got me fired up about the beautiful fall leaves in Michigan. I collected more than I can handle. I pressed them, and then painted them with 1/2 glycerine, 1/2 water. It was a lot of fun. I even got into doing ferns and weeds. Now I just need a bid board to showcase them. When itś done, Iĺl show you all the oaks, maples, poplars, ferns, and weeds I collected.
In Nature,
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Sueś Views
It was a big day for the kids n the snow. I got out my new flying saucer ( which I only bought for the purpose of using it for the top of my lighthouse costume) and I showed the pups how much fun it is spinning around and pushing myself with my arms. ell they couldn´t wait to get in on the action. I laughed my fool head off watching them. Rusty put his front paws in the saucer and then walked himself with his back legs. After this went on for awhile, I got a shoelace and tied it to the saucer. Then Ruby pulled Rusty all over the front yard. I should have sent it in to Ämericaś funniest Videos¨. I´m sure we would have won. I cant wait for some real snow to fall. It looks like itś in the forcast. Ya-Hoo! Suicide we come!
painting house
Saturday, November 22, 2008
frozen lakesicle!!

Matt and Walt are home!!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Happier Days before kayaking
Saturday, November 15, 2008
In My Own Defense...
Yes, it's me, atop my weapon of mass distruction. I ask you, could a kind, sweet woman like this ever do anything to harm her little baby sister? Now I'll be the first to admit that I am not the most graceful, as noted by my 5th grade teacher Mr. Poling, who used to say,"Look out, here comes Hurricane Sally" every time I left my seat to approach his desk. I was known for ACCIDENTLY knocking things off desks as I passed down the narrow isles. We all know now it's because of my malalligned back, my bottom half walks in a different direction than my top half, but I digress. I am sure that you would agree that I practically look like an angel with the halo to prove it in this photo. I would NEVER want to harm my poor little Tooty Toot. Now would someone please remove that dreadful photo of Sue from the blog. If that photo gets leaked to the Key
West Citizen, I'm liable to get thrown in the Key West jail for assault with a deadly kayak, and we wouldn't want that to happen right before Thanksgiving. I've got a turkey to cook.
sueś Views
This was the result of my kayaking mis-hap with Sally while I was down in the keys. As Sally and I were launching the boat, she stepped on a rock...I kept walking with the kayak, and jammed it into my chest. It still hurts to the touch. *Thatś qhat I tell Ron, anyway
(no really)
Loved the kayaking on the ocean. Had a super time.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
New Contest!!!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Finishing Iceman
Sunday, November 9, 2008
We forgot to bring our camera cord, so the pictures will have to wait. But we will have some pictures to post. Have a wonderful Sunday everyone!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Aimee says...
I keep thinking of things I want to blog and then I never do it... so
tonight I blog.
First off, things I've learned in Alaska:
1. Things freeze fast. Our first snow never melted. Nor did
anything ever melt on the roads. The slough froze up pretty quick and
the river is mostly iced up.
2. Planning is good. Since I don't drive every day, I don't keep my
car plugged in. I plug it in to warm up the oil a few hours before I
want to go somewhere. Usually that means I plug in the car at lunch
if I want to go somewhere at night.
3. The weather is easy to predict. No clouds? Expect it to get
bitterly cold (about -10 these days but I think that will go down).
Overcast? It might stay around 10 degrees which feels surprisingly
warm. Over 10 degrees? It will snow. Never expect plows.
4. Slippers are your friend. I think this is self explanatory.
I thought of those while riding my bike. It's been winter here for a
month now! They do things a little different, seeing as they get less
snow than MI but it gets much colder.
I had a really fun weekend. Brian came up Friday afternoon. He
wanted to stop by my office and experience Beer Club. He also brought
up the halibut I caught in Kodiak! He made me halibut etouffee and it
was delicious! What a guy! ;-) Plus that halibut I caught is
tasty! It's the first time I've had food in my freezer that I caught/
killed myself.
Tonight I used the leftover veggies and chicken broth from the
etouffee to make some soup. I just threw stuff together, which is new
to me. Once I figured I had it tasting pretty good I threw some
dumplings in! Yum! It was a hearty and easy meal! Picking out
spices and vegetables to go together isn't a natural thing for me so
it was a big step. ;-) Man, good food the last few days for me!
Tomorrow I have class and I've got to squeeze in my voting... It's
close so maybe I'll bike there at lunch. Then I don't have to plug in
the car! And if it takes a long time, at least I have a good excuse.
I will be glad when the election is over.
The picture is of my new slippers (thanks Mom and Dad!) and Mr.
Chungo. I think we've got matching shoes!
Thanks for the northern lights comments, everyone. I can't wait to
take more pictures of them. Brian said he heard once it's actually
"northern lights season" I should be able to see them 5 nights a
week! I have ideas for camera settings for the next time... it's hard
to play around with the dials when it's so cold!
Like Dad would say, "don't forget to vote, cats!"
Sunday, November 2, 2008
A cop, a goblin, a cowboy and a football player walk into a bar...
Friday, October 31, 2008
Sue's Views

Thursday, October 30, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Look at this!!!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Sue's Views

Saturday, October 11, 2008
Pennies from heaven!
Friday, October 10, 2008
I hate to name-drop, but...

We drove up to Miami for the second time in a week, this time in search of better CD rates, and we ended up at Ocean Bank in Kendall and drove right by OJ's house! He wasn't home, but we got a tip from the lady that wrote up our CD that he shopped at the same Publix as she does, on Kendall and 132nd Ave, and we drove right by that too! I tell ya, the excitement never quits around here! And also, in case you are interested, the gas prices up in Kendall were $3.69 and down here in Islamorada we only paid $3.19. Are we lucky or what? Yes, I know times are tough, but let's look for the small pleasures in life, and there are always a few of those. We had shrimp and wings for dinner at Sparky's when we got home. Now that's a small but important pleasure for sure. Hope you all have a great weekend filled with small or great pleasures.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
I really should be blogging more. I don't have any good excuses...
Winter is here! It's below freezing all day and we've been getting a
dusting of snow almost every night (and it stays). There's ice over
Noyes Slough (small river) and the lakes are freezing up. I told the
parents it's like the whole area is just a few degrees above freezing
all summer. It's amazing how fast things are freezing. Even the
Chena river has "frazil ice" which looks like slush flowing down the
river (learned that in my class last night!).
It's getting darker, too. After the autumnal equinox we lose a lot
more light per day than yous guys down south. The sun comes up
sometime after 8 now so I've lit up my bike. I've got blinky lights
on the front and back and a red light in my spokes (it's awesome) and
I've got my headlamp mounted to my helmet. I also bought some studded
tires. They're really awesome and I'm planning on doing a lot of
riding before it gets too cold (not planning on riding too much when
it's -40!).
This semester I'm taking a class-- Arctic Engineering. It's required
to get my Professional Engineer's license in Alaska. (sidenote: I sit
for the big exam in a year and a half!) Anyway, the class is really
cool. I've encountered a lot of differences between engineering up
here and engineering in MI and I'm learning a ton in the class.
I'm taking a class for work this week too. Yesterday was not so fun--
11 hours of classes! Never had that many hours of class in college!
Glad I don't have to do that again. So tonight I'm relaxing.
I had a great weekend in Kodiak visiting Brian. What a cool place. I
really liked it but I'd never live there-- it's so isolated! It's an
8 hour ferry to the mainland. The picture is of a beach we found. We
felt like we discovered it ourselves. So cool. Brian gets back to
Anchorage in a few weeks and we'll be able to resume our regularly
scheduled visits. ;-)
Well, that's the news from the north. I love reading all your blogs!
On the "Must Have" List
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Sue's Views
Good company, great times, but alas time has come
Just memories remain of all we have done
Our family is few but thoughtful and kind
from sixty one to fifty nine
My bags are packed, my skin is brown
My husband awaits my arrival in town.
So long for now but I wait for the day
for more frolicking and fun at life in the Cay!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Sue's Views
Sue's View
Tough Day At The Beach

First I had to "TOE" Susan in off the water because she was getting too sunburnt. Good thing I took Jr. Lifesaving twice, even though I flunked it, I remembered how to do the overhand tow which is actually quite easy when you have a noodle with you and you are rescuing someone on a raft. Then Sue and Bill went fishing off the shore. Sue caught this cute little grunt which sacraficed it's life to be cut up as bait to catch bigger and better fish, a baby snapper and a jack. It was a relaxing afternoon. But I tell ya, never a dull moment when Sue is around.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Sue's Views
A thunderstorm blew in when we arrived back home after our big day in Key West. Sally and I planned on paddling again this evening, but we had to settle for "Dancing with the Stars" instead. What is Chloris Leachman doing next week? Ya have to say 82 is unbelievable, beating out all those younger dancers. Bill cooked us up some scallops tonight-those yummy gigantic kind that you can only find in Florida. I bought us a scrumptious key lime pie for dessert. I hate to say it but I'm down to two more days before I head back to Michigan. After talking to Ron the other night on the phone, I think he'll be pretty glad to see me. The pups are a real handful by yourself, trying to fight through a migraine headache all at the same time-plus entertain our guests from Ohio while they were celebrating Ron's birthday. I hope I can get my little ASUS to work like this when I get back home. It's so nice being able to tap away to the fam as I sit in bed.
Love, Sue
Sue's Views
Love, Sue