Gecko buddies surrounded me this trip in unny Florida. Today was quite a thrill;let me explain. While Sally and I were having a nice peaceful morning on the beach tanning and telling stories, I decided to walk over the beach next to the Cay to look for fish from the pier. nobody was on that beach and last year I spotted ll kinds of fish from that pier. I tip-toed so as to not disturb the fish (if there were any) took a long hard look...nothing! So I thought the fih were probably on the other side of the pier. I carefully went to rest my hand on the column of the pier to tke a peek...all of a sudden I heard a rustling sound, and then...ker-ploosh!!! One of these dang gecko monsters jumped out from my hand and jumped into the ocean! Yikes!! I let out hair raising scream, but my big sister never heard me. The lawn guys were manicuring the grass. I'm sure they got a chuckle over the 55 year old lady in the the lime green bikini who nearly got attacked by this gigantic lime green lizard. YUCK! The moral of the story is;stay on your own beach, or make sure you take along your big sister when you go fish spotting.
That would have scared the tar out of me. I am not a lizard fan.
You scared him! He probably thought you were a giant gecko trying to capture him! Next time where an orange suit around the gecko beach area. But it is a cute suit!!
If I ever go to the keys I should bring my big sister. Big sisters are also good for going first up the dark, scary stairs at night before bedtime.
walt! Your big sister will not protect you from gecko monsters. eek!
But I would tell you to shuffle your feet to scare away the rays!
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