Saturday, November 15, 2008

sueś Views

This was the result of my kayaking mis-hap with Sally while I was down in the keys. As Sally and I were launching the boat, she stepped on a rock...I kept walking with the kayak, and jammed it into my chest. It still hurts to the touch. *Thatś qhat I tell Ron, anyway
(no really)
Loved the kayaking on the ocean. Had a super time.


Sally said...

Oh no! I practically stabbed my little sister to death in the heart! It was on accident, and I didn't even know I did it! But those upper chest and shoulder muscles you see in the picture, paddled us around nicely. Come back, Sue! I'll be kinder next time.

JimR said...

Yikes! That could be a heart thumper! Glad you survived Sue! Now go put on some clothes for heaven's sake! this is still a FAMILY blog right?

I'm wondering about the phrase "it was on accident". I have heard it said in our family before, but I don't use that expression. Was that a Third Ward School thing??

nan said...

Well, I guess we can't verify it happened because we can't really see her face. It might be someone else, but if it is you.. . you better deleate that picture before we are all turned in for x rated pictures,. . . where is that little box to check if this blog is inappropriate. . .. hokey pokey! What would your mother say?