Well we've completed our nonth bridgewalk. This was a perfect day. We had a good parking spot, and completed it in one hour and 10 minutes. The Governor ran it in 38 minutes. That's not bad. Breakfast at the Admiral's Table was as good as usual. Ron's brother, Burce went again. This was his second year. My Rathblog page is a little messed up. I tried to respond to the Gabe and Lori Blog, but I need to fix my sign on I guess. I told everyone that Nancy and I have four hours to get our sister act ready for Vegas. Me-me-me-me...just getting the vocals in shape. They'll be buzzing in the streets when they get a taste of the Rathbun girls. I have a surprise for the girls when we get out there. I hope it makes it through security. I'll just have to take a suitcase. I can't wait. Less than a week now. Yikes!
Looks like fun! No matter how you get accross the Big Mac, it's always exciting!
WHAT? YOU'RE PACKING A SUITCASE? We're only staying for 36 hours! And I hear we probably won't have time to sleep!! Skip the jammies!!You can put everything else in your purse. We can carry the games in our hands if there is no room in your purse.
WOW that is a lot of people!
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