Say! I think I figured out how to post from the Asus. We are having a great time in Seattle. We walked underneath the Space Needle today and decided it is way to high for us, remember, we didn't even want to fly to Seattle. Well going up to the top of the space needle would be just about like flying. We enjoyed the train ride from San Diego, yes, 40 hours is a long time, but we have time to waste. Tom and Gina have been showing us all over the city. We take the ferry to Victoria, BC on Tuesday and then home of Thursday. We both miss the sunshine a little, one of us more than the other, but it will be good to get home. Thanks all for all of the wedding pictures you posted, and especially Aimee for putting them on our computer. We have enjoyed looking at them often. Thanks also for being there for the big day. It meant so much to Gabe, Lori, and Bill and I.
Oops! My picture didn't post, but you all know what the space needle looks like. No, we didn't get to see Candy and family. We don't have a car, and Tom and Gina only have the weekend off to show us all around the city.
Be sure to keep the moss from growing on you! That's a nice ride to Victoria - we went the opposite way (south - not north) but I'm sure it will be the same...
Yes, Victoria is so beautiful! I hope you have more than a day to see the town and also go to Buschart Gardens. Have fun!
Sure sounds beautiful! Have fun and just know, the warm ocean breezes are waiting for you! Talk about the corners of the world. . . is there a direct flight from one corner of the USA to the other?
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