This pose reminds me of Steve Martin, "One ca-ra-zy Guy"!! I'm not sure what song you are singing but I'm sure it is one of your top 100! James, you are so much fun to be with. Sure hope your day, and year just keeps getting better. One great family too. I sure enjoyed my short, but sweet time with all of my family in LV. You are the best. When are we going to do it again?
Awww, our little Hammy on the dance floor. He is so much fun to have around. Yes, let's get together again. I'm blowing this picture up as a poster, it keeps me smiling. We love you Jim. Have a great b'day.
I've seen this many times and now you've captured it on film. I LOVE IT!
I think the song was "Talk Dirty to me" by Poison, from 1987. Wow - that was a long time ago!
"Cause baby well be
At the drive-in
In the old mans ford
Behind the bushes
Till Im screamin for more
Down the basement
Lock the cellar door
And baby
Talk dirty to me"
I'm afraid I don't know that song Shawn! :-/ This is when I was belting out "Feelings" by Morris Albert. "Feelings, nothing more than feelings, trying to forget my..."
I had a great time that night...maybe it was just the Vegas charm that got to me...But most likely it was being with the ones I love and the ones that let me be me...and are not too embarassed by it (at least I hope not!)
Love you all!
I ain't at 50 yet, but I think it's just up the road!
I just read your comments to Joe. Funny thing is, he thought this picture was taken at Elizabeth and Mike's wedding. So let us not use the "Vegas Charm" as an excuse, let's just face it James, you are like this everytime you have fun. Or maybe it's just when you have fun with the ones who love you so much, you can be yourself. Come to think of it, I think I remember this dance in the living room when you were in 4th grade.... JK. You really did break out of your shell after you met Shawn. Thanks Shawn.
It was funny when someone at the table said something like "is he always like this?" and we said "yeah, pretty much." Druncle Jim! (although alcohol doesn't have to be (and usually isn't) involved!)
See you on the ichats tonight, cats!
Yeah, this is the real Jim. He's always like this. That is why life is so fun with him!
iChat Happy Birthday? That will be fun!
Oh, too much fun for you iChatters! You are the blessed ones!
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