Meet "Princess Ruby Bay Patutti" and
"Sir Rusty the Rebel of Rolling Hills"
otherwise known as Ruby and Rusty. Sometimes meatball, or puppy, or kids, or pups or once-in-awhile Ned slips out. Hey Bill, I can't believe how terrible my typing is when I have to type in the dark. That's how I've been practicing lately on the ASUS. I use it in bed, but Ron hates the light on, so I have to type in the pitch black. It's amazing that I dont' know the keyboard better than I do. We're looking forward to seeing you guys. The pups had a super day in their new kennel outside. they love it! I may just go on a sleeopover with them. It's cozy out there. They come in at night, but their happy to be outside during the day. Ron built a nice little dog house and put it inside the 10x12 kennel along with a huge deck for sunbathing.
Love you,
oh man! So cute!!!!!!
Awwwwwww! Pleased to meetcha Ruby and Rusty!
Oh! They couldn't be cuter! I can't wait to see them (and you, of course). It looks like we will be there Saturday morning instead of Friday night, but I will give you a call and let you know for sure.
Oh for cute! That's a beautiful picture!
ooohhhhh I want one, or two! ... ha!
Well, it looks like you two are having way too much fun. And I'm sure Sue and Ron will too. Hope we get to see the new family soon.
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