Saturday, July 5, 2008

Hi from Washington!

How's it going, Everybody?

These pictures are from a hiking trip we took last weekend. At the bottom of the hike, it was 90 degrees, and at the top (only two miles) there was all kinds of snow! The kids had a blast. Jett was complaining the whole way, "Can we never do this again?" But then it was all worth it when we got to the snow!

Boeing is really fun. My first week was like a field trip every day. I got to walk around in a 777 freighter that was being built. That was really cool. Then I got to go to a meeting with Continental Airlines and see one of the guys from my group give a presentation. Wow! I felt like I was on "The Apprentice" or something. It sure is a different world than watching Spongebob all day with Jett!

Well, I just thought I'd practice blogging to get ready for when Andrea comes out to wisit. That will be a lot of fun!



Shawn said...

Hey Candy! So great to hear from you and what great pictures too!!! Sounds like things are going well at Boeing. Cool!

JimR said...

Wow! What cute kids! That looks like a great hike. I'm going to start using "Can we never do this again"!!

Sally said...

Great to hear from you, Candy. The boys are getting so big. What fun that will be getting together with Andrea.

Sue said...

Dulce! You made it onto the blog. Congratulations and welcome back. Now the whole family has an updated blog. Now I know how Grandma felt when she used to get a letter form me in the mail.(AW)Where was the hike? We sure loved hearing from you. Your family has grown so much in a year! Wyatt is getting tall and thin, Jett is certain to make varsity football and Dayne is still such a cute little peanut! Love from the happy puppy owners.

nan & joe said...

YAHOO! This is a good thing. I am so happy to see and read about this sweet family!! Wow,yes, mother would be so happy to get all of these blogs from all her family. Although, she would have complained a little about switching from the yahoo360. Come to think of it. . . . I think I compained too!!! HA! Candy I love your family. Those boys look like fun ready to happen!! No dull moments around your house. You and Adam are certainly blessed! Have fun. Love you and miss you! PS Delegate the picture thing to Andrea, Brandon could do it when she gets home, he's all about it.