I have to share a very special moment from our Sunday activities. It was a crazy day, it was Matt’s birthday, Father’s Day, Summer Solstice, Shawn and I had so much on our minds…work, kids, family and loved ones, the summer solstice party that was about to happen that night, trying to find time to get a bike ride in, mow the yard, fold clothes…It was one of those days where you get stressed out, just trying to fit it all in.
Shawn and I took the time to have breakfast together, we try to do that at least once a week. As we were finishing up, I notice a bird in the window that was a little different, we weren’t sure what it was. And, like so many breakfasts with Mom and Dad at Lakes of the North, I ran to get the bird book. It turns out the bird was just young robin - a bit of a disappointment - so much for an exotic bird find that morning (but he was so big!). Flipping through the book, I told Shawn that I would love to see more Orioles – we never see them in our yard, and I can count on one hand the time I have seen them anywhere! I remember mom putting out oranges and always reporting in when an oriole had come through at Lakes of the North. “They stop every year” she would say. I know they are around, but we never see them in our yard.
After breakfast, the day was creeping up on us (yes – we ate pretty late!), it would only be 5 hours or so, before the solstice party started, we had a few things to take care of, but we really wanted to get a Tandem Bike ride in. No time for a nice long ride, but we thought we could at least get 20 miles in, so off we went. We headed north out of town without a route in mind, just to ride. Sometimes when we are on our bikes we can put everything out of our heads and just enjoy the ride, and then there are times when biking gives you too much time to think about things that are going on in your mind, your mind does flip flops with all the voices – Shawn calls it monkey chatter. Sunday’s ride was a monkey chatter kind of day for both of us.
We were getting close to our turn-around point and Shawn suggested we swing by Mom and Dad’s grave to see how the flowers we planted in the spring were doing. It also was Father’s Day – so a great day to visit. We got to the grave and except for a few weeds, the flowers looked great – lots of rain this spring, every thing has been so green. The monkey chatter was leaving as we sat in the grass and quietly watched the world go by.
As I looked off to the right, I saw a bird in one of the trees. I could see it was bird that had some color, but the shade of the tree made it difficult to see. As the bird flitted from branch to branch it was getting closer and moving in an out of the sunshine and shadows. I thought it was most likely a cardinal, but the shape was not quite the right, could it be?? ...I pointed it out to Shawn – “there’s an oriole!” Sure enough, such a bright orange – a stunning bright color against the dark green trees! Happy and full of energy! It flew closer until it was on a branch right above Mom and Dad’s grave. It stopped and looked down, as if checking in on Walt and Betty. A quick look, all is good, and then off again. We thought how thrilled Mom and Dad would have been to see an oriole. Or did they have a hand in this?
Shawn is convinced that there were too many coincidences on top of coincidences that this “just happened”… me talking about Orioles at breakfast, seeing one just a few hours after, on Fathers day, on Matt’s birthday, on summer solstice, while we are sitting at mom and dad’s grave. God, mom and dad they had a plan – it must be a symbol. It was such a beautiful bird on a beautiful day.
We both felt such great comfort in seeing the oriole. The monkey chatter cleared and we knew, that no matter what twists and turns life throws at us, everything was going to be fine. The oriole was a symbol that we are in His hands, in Mom and Dad’s hands and we are being loved. All is well.
We got back on the bike and headed home. It was a great day to celebrate all the blessings in our lives. And the party was just about to start…
Shawn and I took the time to have breakfast together, we try to do that at least once a week. As we were finishing up, I notice a bird in the window that was a little different, we weren’t sure what it was. And, like so many breakfasts with Mom and Dad at Lakes of the North, I ran to get the bird book. It turns out the bird was just young robin - a bit of a disappointment - so much for an exotic bird find that morning (but he was so big!). Flipping through the book, I told Shawn that I would love to see more Orioles – we never see them in our yard, and I can count on one hand the time I have seen them anywhere! I remember mom putting out oranges and always reporting in when an oriole had come through at Lakes of the North. “They stop every year” she would say. I know they are around, but we never see them in our yard.
After breakfast, the day was creeping up on us (yes – we ate pretty late!), it would only be 5 hours or so, before the solstice party started, we had a few things to take care of, but we really wanted to get a Tandem Bike ride in. No time for a nice long ride, but we thought we could at least get 20 miles in, so off we went. We headed north out of town without a route in mind, just to ride. Sometimes when we are on our bikes we can put everything out of our heads and just enjoy the ride, and then there are times when biking gives you too much time to think about things that are going on in your mind, your mind does flip flops with all the voices – Shawn calls it monkey chatter. Sunday’s ride was a monkey chatter kind of day for both of us.
We were getting close to our turn-around point and Shawn suggested we swing by Mom and Dad’s grave to see how the flowers we planted in the spring were doing. It also was Father’s Day – so a great day to visit. We got to the grave and except for a few weeds, the flowers looked great – lots of rain this spring, every thing has been so green. The monkey chatter was leaving as we sat in the grass and quietly watched the world go by.
As I looked off to the right, I saw a bird in one of the trees. I could see it was bird that had some color, but the shade of the tree made it difficult to see. As the bird flitted from branch to branch it was getting closer and moving in an out of the sunshine and shadows. I thought it was most likely a cardinal, but the shape was not quite the right, could it be?? ...I pointed it out to Shawn – “there’s an oriole!” Sure enough, such a bright orange – a stunning bright color against the dark green trees! Happy and full of energy! It flew closer until it was on a branch right above Mom and Dad’s grave. It stopped and looked down, as if checking in on Walt and Betty. A quick look, all is good, and then off again. We thought how thrilled Mom and Dad would have been to see an oriole. Or did they have a hand in this?
Shawn is convinced that there were too many coincidences on top of coincidences that this “just happened”… me talking about Orioles at breakfast, seeing one just a few hours after, on Fathers day, on Matt’s birthday, on summer solstice, while we are sitting at mom and dad’s grave. God, mom and dad they had a plan – it must be a symbol. It was such a beautiful bird on a beautiful day.
We both felt such great comfort in seeing the oriole. The monkey chatter cleared and we knew, that no matter what twists and turns life throws at us, everything was going to be fine. The oriole was a symbol that we are in His hands, in Mom and Dad’s hands and we are being loved. All is well.
We got back on the bike and headed home. It was a great day to celebrate all the blessings in our lives. And the party was just about to start…
What a wonderful story. Yes, you are right, God has a plan, and we are all a part of it. I know that it was his plan to give us a little brother who is able to calm the monkey chatter long enough to notice the important things in life and then take the time to share his experiences with us. How blessed we are to have you.
"I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb. Before you were born I set you apart." Jeremiah 1:5.
You are one very special person.
I call that a "God-sequense", it was planned, just to bless you. no accident or luck That is a wonderful story, and well told. Thanks James, your blessing has blessed us all.
"God-sequense" -- I love it! I've had a few of those!
Beautiful story, Dad!
How cool! Great story Dad! Every once and a while (this weekend included) I think about how proud Grandma and Grandpa would be of us. Wish I could've been there for the celebration!
I'd call it a "God-cidence" before a "God-sequence". (Because it wasn't like a consequence, more like a coincidence.) But it was even much more than that.
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