Another spring beauty! This one has a little story behind it. Ron and I were taking a walk across the river, searching for morels, when we spotted these jack-in-the-pulpits. I know it´s a technical foul to pick them...but, I thought they would look good mixed among my lady´s slippers. I was surprised they survived. I think theyĺl get more attention here on this side of the Thunder Bay River. Stay tuned. There will be some thrilling nature pictures in my continuing series of ¨Floer flowers and fantastic furry friends!¨
I had a Jack in the Pulpit in my yard in Birmingham that was also kind of an illegal immigrant. A friend of mine who lived in Rochester Hills gave me that and some trillium from her yard. They took a while to get going, but they bloomed every spring and were always the first sign of warmer weather to come.
nice flowers! I am looking forward to more "Floer flowers and fantastic furry friends!"
such bad behavior I'm learning from my big sisters!!
Come and getim' I got lots!!!
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