The bachelor and bachelorette parties are over, and it's not too soon to start getting very excited about the wedding/vacation/family reunion coming up in just a few more weeks in Las Vegas. Here is a link to Gabe and Lori's Vegas website: http://x94cherry.googlepages.com/home. It is filled with all kinds of great info that you will want to have handy for the trip; great dining suggestions, excellent gambling tips, and info on tourist attractions you won't want to miss. The best part is, it has a whole cheapskate section, I guess the apple (or in this case the Cherry) doesn't fall too far from the tree. I think you will find it interesting. Me? I'm going to see if I can find a copy of "Black Jack for Dummies" and start reading it now! I can't wait.
That's a great site! 1$ pints?? I think walt, aimee and I will just hang out there!I
that is great!!!
$1 pints sound like a deal!
Thanks Gabe and Lori, what a great site you have put together. Did you say $1 pints? Man-O-Man, guess you know where I'll be. . . . and it won't be lookin' for Elvis!
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