My 'Tister Tuttie Toot is coming for a visit on Sept 27th! We will be celebrating every birthday on or near that time while she is here, and we will also work on taking better self-portrait photos than the one that I'm posting today. Anyone else want to join in the fun? We'd love to have you. I think this will be the first time that Sue has visited that she hasn't had to sleep on a blow up air matress, and will have her own bedroom, but don't worry, we won't let her sleep in too late.
Don't you love the cyclone fence background, it looks like we're in prison. (I just had to check to see if word verification was really on)
yeah it doesn't make me do it. I think Imight have turned it on in the wrong blog but it looks like it should be on here too... maybe because we're Rathbloggers? Maybe outside people have to do it?
cute picture ;-)
Yes, that's it, if you are a Rathblogger you don't get word verification. I tried posting from Bill's homepage, and there is word verfification. I can't remember what password I gave him, so I couldn't even post. Just one of the perks for being a Rathbun, no word verification.
HEY~!!! I'm a Rathbun and I have to verify!!! NO FAIR. . . I still haven't figured out why I am not on this thing, even though I am on, not really "in"!
CUTIE PATOOTIES!! Wish I could be there too, with you and tootie-toots too!!!
I can't wait! I know I'm way late on publishing my comment, but jeepers I can't believe I'm going all by myself. The time is flying by. Even though I have two trips planned, that's chicken feed compared to my nephew Walt. Yikes!
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