Monday, October 5, 2009

Sue's Views

First morels, lately it's been button tops, followed by fairy rings, then shaggy ink caps and now THIS!!!!


Sally said...

Happy Birthday, Sue, and may the coming year be just as fantastic as the first 29 (wink, wink). I love the mushroom patch. You are so clever.

Shawn said...

HA! Nice mushroom patch! Happy Birthday Sue!

Aimee said...

oh man, this took me all day to figure out. I just thought maybe they were mushrooms I've never seen (which wouldn't be a stretch!). But then why was there metal in the tops? How did she get such a variety to grow in one spot?

Happy Birthday!

JimR said...

Happy Birthday!! Sue! You had me going - I looked at them at work and I thought how crazy it was that so many different 'shrooms grew in the same place! Then when Shawn showed me on the big screen I saw!

Is there anything you CAN'T make out gourds??

nan said...

You are so clever and creative. Just like your mother.....even more so. Happy Birthday tutti-toot! Sure wish I was there to sing and esp. to eat cake and ice-cream. Sounds like you had a great day. Love you little sister!!