Here we are, back in The Keys, after a great 3 week trip. We had a relaxing 7 days on a Carribbean cruise, Roatan,Honduras being our favorite port. For me, the best part of our vacation was all of the small historic towns we visited in Florida, Alabama, and Mississippi. We especially enjoyed Natchez, and the beautiful pre-Civil War homes. We were so impressed with the fact that everyone was so eager to strike up a conversation and tell us about their cities. Southerners really are a friendly bunch once you get away from the I 75 corrider. The photo is of a church just north of Natchez, in Port Gibson which bills itself as the "city too beautiful to burn". This is where Grant landed before he took over and burned Vicksburg. A bit of my Civil War History from 6th grade came in handy on this trip (I lived in West Virginia and spent half the year making a civil war book).
Our very last night of vacation was in Zephyrhills. I stopped by a visited with Dorothy and Pat, both were very glad to see me. Mom's place looks...very neat, some things are missing (I'll let you guess) but I can tell the guy really enjoys the place and everyone says he is a great neighbor. On the way out of town, I discovered a new Cuban Cafe, "Flaco's" where they had authentic Cuban bread and a great con leche. I tell ya, Z'hills is really becoming cosmo.
Some sad news, I got notice that Bill Taylor passed away on June 8th. Marsha sent a letter and funeral notice with a picture, similar to what we did for Mom's. I am sending it on to Sue, and maybe it will get there for Nan to see this weekend, and then she can send it on to you, Jim.
Have a great weekend, y'all. I'll be thinking of Sue on stage, and the Rathbuns spending time together.
floermeGreat writing. Great story. I missed you so much I read some of your older articles from your Beach Blogin. I your flow of words. Very descriptive.I give you an A+!
Love Sue
Great picture Sal! Beautiful church - and what an unusual steeple. Sounds like a wonderful and very interesting vacation!
Great to hear from you. Sounds like a great trip! It's sad to here about Bill Taylor, he was such a friendly guy!
(my security word was "Sucksh" would you let your students use that word??)
It's nice to catch up on your vacation, Sal. Sounds like both of you enjoyed your trip. 3 week vacation, how many miles did you cover??? Wow, nice to have you back home.
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