Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Sue's Views

I remember the day you came home from the hospital in Elkins W.V. Dad finally had his baby boy. It seems Grandma and Grandpa Traxler were there to help out. The whole town was so excited about the big event. People came fromnear and far for a view of the new baby boy, James Walter Rathbun. Happy 50th James. You sure have made a name for yourself-all over the world. And today you are thin and lean and the picture of health. I'd write a poem for you but I don't think I'll get it done by midnight.


BIG Birthday!

Happy Birthday, Mimmy. You've given your sisters 50 years of joy, love and excitement. Can't wait to see what the next 50 will bring. Does this photo bring back great memories? It does to me. AND don't miss Jim's own birthday post below.

50 Schmifty!!!

From the woods of West Virginia to the sidewalks of Alaska.... from mom's shoulders to Walt's willing shoulders... It's been a blast for 50 years!
We've had fun in Alaska! What a beautiful state...
I'll celebrate tomorrow with a pizza dinner at Moose's Tooth and cake and ice cream at Aimee's place.
I am very blessed, and happy to move up an age bracket!
It's all tailwinds from here Cats!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Home Again, Home Again

Here we are, back in The Keys, after a great 3 week trip. We had a relaxing 7 days on a Carribbean cruise, Roatan,Honduras being our favorite port. For me, the best part of our vacation was all of the small historic towns we visited in Florida, Alabama, and Mississippi. We especially enjoyed Natchez, and the beautiful pre-Civil War homes. We were so impressed with the fact that everyone was so eager to strike up a conversation and tell us about their cities. Southerners really are a friendly bunch once you get away from the I 75 corrider. The photo is of a church just north of Natchez, in Port Gibson which bills itself as the "city too beautiful to burn". This is where Grant landed before he took over and burned Vicksburg. A bit of my Civil War History from 6th grade came in handy on this trip (I lived in West Virginia and spent half the year making a civil war book).
Our very last night of vacation was in Zephyrhills. I stopped by a visited with Dorothy and Pat, both were very glad to see me. Mom's place looks...very neat, some things are missing (I'll let you guess) but I can tell the guy really enjoys the place and everyone says he is a great neighbor. On the way out of town, I discovered a new Cuban Cafe, "Flaco's" where they had authentic Cuban bread and a great con leche. I tell ya, Z'hills is really becoming cosmo.
Some sad news, I got notice that Bill Taylor passed away on June 8th. Marsha sent a letter and funeral notice with a picture, similar to what we did for Mom's. I am sending it on to Sue, and maybe it will get there for Nan to see this weekend, and then she can send it on to you, Jim.
Have a great weekend, y'all. I'll be thinking of Sue on stage, and the Rathbuns spending time together.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Sue's Views

Look!!! Ron's so tickled that it's his 57th birthday. I've never seen him happier. In all the years we've been married, this is the biggest smile from Ron that I've ever seen. I wish I could say that he's smiling because of something I did...the truth is that this picture was taken right after we unloaded last year's mushroom bags, counted them up between Debbie, Mark and myself and Ron. Guess who had the most....Ron, of course. It was a great day. We found over 300 that day-some of which were whites and giants. If anyone would like to join us to have this much fun next year, we'll share our secret gold mine. Pencil us in for around early May. Oh! Happy Birthday Ron!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Sue's Views

Ron and I made our first trip to the apple orchard last weekend. The trees along the roads are loaded this year. It must have been the abundance of rain we had this summer. We bought a bag of Paula Reds and State Fair apples. Now it's time to get busy and make a pie. Congratulations to Jim and Shawn on quite an adventure. I think you deserve some kind of award. Wow! Truly to share with your Grandchildren some day. I think I'll share it with mine. I printed off your story and read it three times. Super job, Rathbun team. Tonight we went to a hobo dinner at Harvey's farm. He runs the skidder where Ron cuts wood. He's an old coot, but very friendly. He's lived here all his life. Tomorrow is the famous Potato Festival. I saw a pontiac red potato tonight that was three times as big as any potato I've ever seen. The farmers around here are darn proud of their crop of spuds; as well they should be! Later.
Love, Sue

Sue's Views

I know it looks like we set one of those fake deer out for target practice, but it's the real deal. I don't think they make fawns for a target anyway. What a shot Ron got with my camera at 4:30 one afternoon. It won't be long and we'll be climbing up the tree stands with our bows to see if we spot any monster bears or deer. We've had a bear on on property almost all summer. Don's actually got a license this year, so he's either going to try for one on on property or his own property. We walk Ruby every night and we saw 9 deer the other night. One was a beautiful buck! Tehn last Tuesday night, a skunk came out of nowhere, and Ruby ran right after it. Mega Bummer. She still smells a litle today, but at least she's tolerable. Could there be anything worse?
Later, Sue

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Sue's Views

It was a successful 10th Mighty Mac walk across the infamous Straights of Mackinac. We had numerous events occur throughout the day: traffic tie-ups, accidents, EMS crews, wedding proposals, fog, heat, but a darn good breakfast at the Admiral's Table following the walk. How did Jim and Shawn fair? I'm hoping this will post since I've had issues with the Rathblog. My computer is fixed now. At least I will be able to e-mail.
Love, Sue