mike used the machete to remove the overgrown brazilian pepper tree, not an easy task. yes the temperature was 97. i've been having fun helping with the yard work, playing with dozer, going to hockey games (mike scored 5 goals) woo hoo!!! its been a great vacation! andrea comes into town on tuesday for more fun together. i love the florida heat, especially when you can come inside to cool off. elizabeth and i have been walking and bike riding, but no pool after the workout, boo hoo, because it was still locked at 7am! dont worry elizabeth is going to talk to the president of the community for the combination.
thats all for now, another hockey game tonight, and some shoe shopping today!
love to all!
what a busy fam! Man I don't know about 97 degree machetty-ing! Send a couple degrees down here - I think we are barely in the 70's
I'm thinking this is Nancy, not LizRN posting this - or has Liz started speaking in the 3rd person? Sounds like a fun time for all - except maybe Mike, working in the heat. But then you sunlovers probably love that sort of thing! Enjoy!
Yes, it's me, Nancy.
Good job Shawn. It's so good to see family. I'll see Andrea Tues. can't wait.
That is a monster Brazilian Pepper. Good job, Mike. Bill says wear gloves, the sap can cause an allergic reaction (but then, you are married to a nurse). Also, spray all the roots with round up about 5 times. So glad you are having so much fun, Nan.
Isn't it great being with family? Good job on the hockey, Mike. I wish I could see a game. Come on up. Alpena really needs some star players. We might lose our Junior hockey team-no fans. Say "Hey" to Liz and Andrea and the rest of the family.
eek! Sounds sweaty!
PS I knew it was Aunt Nancy because she signed it as Nancy!
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