So today I just got a packet from USAC (University Studies Abroad Consortium) with a shirt and some more important documents. I've been accepted to study in Santiago, Chile at la Universidad Nacional Andrés Bello for the coming fall semester (or what will be spring for Chile)! There's still quite a bit of paperwork to do but the important thing is that I'm going! I'd better study up on my Spanish before I get down there, word is they're the fastest talkers in the spanish-speaking world!
And as an added bonus, I found out at a Study Abroad meeting (about visas and credits) that one of my Broomball teammates just happens to be going to Chile too!
¡Hasta luego!
Cool!!! When I looked it up on a map I realized the summer/winter thing. The earth is crazy.
Well this is the ultimate international family. What a great opportunity. You are going to learn so much and have so much fun.
That's great Matt! It's good to know you have a team mate that you can bounce stuff off of.Will he be going to the same school?
How fun! And someone you know will be going too. Very cool Matt! What a great experience it will be for you!
I can't wait to look at a map to see just how close the S American family will be to each other. Cheese Whiz, rent a car and have a visit. Very exciting Matt. And don't forget your Aunt Sally was at the Universital de Valencia (or something like that!) Who'd a thunk those Rathbun's would be such travelers! Gotta love it! And just what will the distance between Aimee and Matt be next year?
google maps doesn't work to get a route from Alaska to South America!!! I've tried!
DOes gmaps work if you put it in "walk" mode?? (I like that feature!)
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