Things were quiet around here this weekend, but not so in Kalamazoo at the Moped Rally. Gabe and Lori took a fall on Saturday, and Lori ended up with a concussion and broken collar bone and a night's stay in the local hospital. They released her yesterday but she didn't quite pass the cognitive test they gave her before leaving the hosptal so she has to retake it again in 4 days and in the meantime has to have someone with her at all times, can't drive, and can't work. Hopefully her mom can come down to help out for a few days, then Gabe can work from home at the end of the week. She also will probably need some therapy on her shoulder. They are planning to head back to Ferndale today. Gabe's injuries were limited to a skinned up knee. No one is quite sure what happened since Lori has no memory of any of it, something made her swerve or turn and fall, and then Gabe, close behind, ran into her. And yes, they both had their helmets on. I tell ya, no matter how old your kids are, you are always worried about them! We just hope for a speedy and full recovery for Lori!
Poor Lori and Gabe! I'm so glad it wasn't worse. And I know she is happy to be out of the hospital and on their way home. That is WAY too scarey! I don't like falling. I'll be praying for quick recovery from her head to her toe!
Oh no! It sure is scary, I know. Jim ended up in ER one time after a fall on his bike. Strange how he didn't remember anything. Hope she is feeling better soon!
Oh No!! I hope she get better soon!
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