When out on the lawn I heard such a clatter...I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter! Why Santa decided to do some checking up in the Floer household. I couldn't believe it!
Today at Brush Creek Mill we had a commemrorative tree lighting with bulbs of red, white and blue. The bulbs could be purchased for $5.00 each. White bulbs signify a lost loved one, red was for anyone serving in the military, and blue signifies someone you want to show appreciation for. During the ceremony, the names of each person honored was read out loud. So Betty Rathbun, Walt Rathbun, Bill Floer and Jean Floer all were honored today. The afternoon began with the Huron Shores Barbershop chorus giving a half hour Christmas concert. Then the names were read, then everyone sang Christmas carrols. After, there was free refreshments. The tree was lit outside after the names were read. It will stay lit all throughout the holiday. So Mom and Dad have a white bulb on the tree. Pretty cool, eh? It brought a tear tp my eye...especially when they pronounced their names correct. There were 90 people honored.